Monday, April 20, 2020

Ted Bundy Essays - Ted Bundy, Necrophiles, Serial Killer, Ted

Ted Bundy Ted Bundy's Trail of Terror From the Beginning of Taking Life Until The End of His Serial killers tend to be white heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties. While it is impossible to predict who will become a serial killer there are traits that appear to be similar in all killers. These behaviors include cruelty to animals, bedwetting, lying, drug and alcohol abuse, and a history of violence. According to Robert Ressler et al., serial homicide involves the murder of separate of separate victims with time breaks between victims, as minimal as two days to weeks or months. These time breaks are referred to as a cooling off period. Because homicides involving multiple victims is gradually becoming more commonplace, and to facilitate an understanding of the aforementioned definition, it is helpful to differentiate serial murder from other types of murder, such as mass murder, which involves,four or more victims killed within a short time span, and spree killings, which Ressler et al. defines as a series of sequential homicides connected to one event committed over a time period of hours to days and without a cooling off period. Ted Bundy is one of the worst serial killers in history. His antisocial personality and psychotic character made him feared across the country. After all was said and done Ted left behind a trail of bloody slayings that included the deaths of 36 young women and spanned through four states. The biggest question in many people's mind was how could someone as intelligent,highly accomplished, and praised as Bundy do such a thing? Theodore Robert Bundy was born November 24th, 1946 in Burlinton, Vermont to a 21 year old mother. Ted's mom never told him much about his father except that he was in the armed forces and they had only dated a few times. Ted was left in foster care for two months while his mom and parents decided what to do with him. In 1946 an illegitimate child was extremely looked down upon by society. Once they decided to keep Ted his grandparents told everyone he was their adopted son. Ted knew who his biological mom was, but outsiders were told that she was his sister. Ted adored his grandfather. His grandfather was also particularly fond of Ted. He remembered camping and fishing trips he and his grandfather would go on. Other family members describe his grandfather as an ill-tempered tyrant. He was racist, intolerant, and a perfectionist. He expected everyone to meet his demands. His grandfather was also verbally abusive toward other family members and physically abusive toward his wife. He also physically mistreated animals including the family pet. Ted's grandmother suffered from depression. It got so bad that she was eventually treated with electroshock therapy. She also suffered from agoraphobia and never left the house. When Ted was three years old, his Aunt, age 15, said she awoke to find him slipping butcher knives into the bed beside her under the covers. She told him to leave and took the knives back. She said no one in the family did anything about this. (Time Life) The older Ted got, it became more difficult to hide his family's identity and his secret mother. With this his mother moved to Washington where she met and married John Bundy. At the time Ted was four years old. He was adopted by John and his new parents had four children together. From the beginning Ted did well in school. His teachers complimented him on his good grades. But they also commented on Ted's inability to control his violent temper. Friends recall Ted as one who would usually avoid fights, though when provoked could explode with frightening violence and anger. Ted was active in Boy Scouts and attended church regularly. He also held a part-time job and made excellent grades. Ted just dated once during high school and was described as shy. It was around this time that Ted began sneaking out of the house and peeping into windows. He became a Peeping Tom. He occasionally disabled a woman's car to make her more vulnerable, without actually doing anything to her(Time Life). He found these behaviors sexually arousing and masturbated while doing them.

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