Thursday, February 27, 2020

The use of surveying in mapping features within the physical Landscape Essay

The use of surveying in mapping features within the physical Landscape - Essay Example vides valuable botanical and faunal samples to compare with the mapping images to make it possible to arrive at right conclusions whether different land use systems were in vogue in these landscapes. These scenarios inevitably necessitated field surveys to either support, or to provide certainty to the veracity of digital mapping data bases. The science of land forms with emphasis on their origin, evolution, form, and distribution across the physical landscape is called geomorphology. The techniques employed to study geomorphology and landscape features include aerial photographic interpretation, field study of soil profiles; off-site sampling and analysis of extensive Paleolithic items; paleo-biological analysis, and drawing of paleo-geography. Ultimately, the entire study will be placed within the given physical landscape using images along with GIS (Geographical Information System) systems. The study of features within the physical landscape includes investigation of its structure, development, and character. Geomorphologists, including many European practitioners have employed several methods to research and develop methods to illustrate features of earth’s physical surface. In 1899, Albert Heim undertook a balloon flight over the Alps to conduct observations and take aerial photographs to study the landscape . In spite of all attempts by physiographers to provide qualitative descriptions and diagrams to provide accurate Maps provide historical information about landscape changes. Today’s many landscapes are the result of factors like river corrections. The hydraulic works have completely modified the geomorphological behavior of rivers that allowed extensive agriculture and later on commercial activities and urbanization. The analysis of landscape changes cannot be undertaken by using historical maps alone without field survey. After all, maps are only representations of earlier realities and are static; they do not take landscape dynamics into account.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly Assignment

Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly - Assignment Example Such market structure reduces output in order to drive up prices and hence increase profits (Tragakes, 2012). Such a firm, therefore, produces less than the socially responsible level of output and manufactures at greater costs than competitive firms. Oligopoly is an industry that has only a few firms that can collude to decrease costs and drive up profits just like monopoly. However, such firms may end up cheating against each other due to strong incentives to cheat on such collusive agreements. Finally, monop0listic competition is an industry that contains many competing firms. The firms sell a similar or identical but at least somewhat different product. The products are highly differentiated in terms of features and prices (OConnor, 2004). The paper discusses the features or characteristics of the dour basic market structures. It then explains the key differences and similarities between the markets in terms of output and price determination. Further, the paper explains whether the allocative and productivity efficiencies can be achieved in the monopoly and perfect competition. The market has numerous sellers and buyers who buy, this reduces the bargaining power that buyers and sellers have, for instance if a seller of Milk tries to increase its profits by increasing the price of milk, the buyers in the market shifts to other milk sellers. The sellers are simply price takers and not price makers. The products sold in such a market are almost the same or identical as other. The products are indistinguishable from each other because they are perfect substitutes for each other. The products are perfectly similar in quantity, quality, size and shape. Commodities like corn, oil and wheat are examples of homogenous products (Kurtz & Boone, 2011). Buyers and sellers are totally free to enter and leave the market. There is no restriction imposed on the entry and exit of buyers and sellers. The firms get normal