Thursday, September 3, 2020

A Small Scale Sample Survey Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Small Scale Sample Survey - Coursework Example What's more, the examination needs to decide how significant PCs are for understudies of Coventry University. Coventry University has broad PC offices and administrations. This investigation needs to see if or not understudies can exploit the offices and administrations of Coventry University. All the more significantly, this investigation additionally needs to know whether understudies are happy with the offices and administrations of Coventry University’s PC focus. Examining technique and test size The example size of 30 was pre-controlled by the necessities of the task. The inspecting procedure utilized was purposive testing. This kind of testing technique permits specialists to discover respondents that would fill the specific need of the examination (Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, 2009). For this specific examination, the analysts gave the survey to 30 college understudies who passed by the grounds cafeteria. Poll plan The survey utilizes 10 inquiries that expect to eva luate the conduct of PC utilization of understudies of Coventry University. So as to decide the significant segment attributes of the respondents, the poll required that respondents’ sex and scholastic level be noted down. ... PCs are utilized for various reasons and so as to discover what were the motivations behind Coventry University understudies for utilizing PCs, up to three numerous answers were acknowledged for question 6. The measure of time and the recurrence of utilization of PCs by Coventry University understudies were investigated in questions 7 and 8, individually. At long last, the significance of PCs for Coventry University understudies and their fulfillment with the university’s PC administrations and offices were evaluated in questions 9 and 10, separately, Analysis and introduction of discoveries In request to discover the conduct of PC use of understudies at Coventry University, the information accumulated was ordered, summed up, and broke down. Consequences of the investigation are given beneath. Table 1 shows the recurrence and rate appropriation of respondents assembled by sex and scholarly level. The figures demonstrate that there were an aggregate of 14 (46.7%) male responden ts and 16 (53.3%) female respondents. Also, 22 (73.3%) of the respondents are at the Undergraduate level of their examinations while 8 (26.7%) of the respondents are at the Post-graduate degree of their investigations. Figures from Table 1 additionally demonstrate that 90% of the respondents have their own PC (n = 27) while 10% don't have their own PC (n = 3), every one of whom are college understudies, with 1 male and 2 females. Table 1. Recurrence and rate appropriation of respondents by sex and level (N = 30) Sex Level With Own Computer Does not claim PC Total Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage Male Undergraduate 9 30.0 1 3.3 10 33.3 Post-graduate 4 13.3 0 0.0 4 13.3 Total 13 43.3 1 3.3 14 46.7 Female

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on Documetation Problem In History

Documentation of any occasion (regardless of how noteworthy) is an exceptionally troublesome undertaking. It is human instinct to have some inclination and objectivity when taking a gander at any circumstance. So as to precisely archive an occasion we should have the option to control these sentiments. This, as I would see it, is an outlandish assignment. Regardless of how enthusiastically we attempt, I do trust some objectivity will sneak through into our documentations. On account of bondage in the United States in the timeframe before the Civil War I accept this issue was amplified by the very idea of the occasion being recorded. This paper will concentrate on why I accept the documentation of subjugation in the U.S. is slanted. Servitude has existed since the get-go. It is regular practice to utilize all methods conceivable to shield slaves from consolidating and revolting. One technique utilized is refusal of training. On account of the African slaves brought to America these individuals were exceptionally uneducated. The lion's share couldn't peruse nor compose. American slave drivers utilized this to further their potential benefit. Considerably after numerous ages of slaves had passed slave drivers despite everything had the option to keep most by far of them unskilled by denying them any instruction whatsoever. What this made was an uneven record of the happenings of that timeframe. At the point when we read history, particularly the early history of subjection in the United States, what we are fundamentally getting are accounts dependent on slave owners’ and taught white men’s’ documentation of the occasions. There is almost no contribution by the slaves themselves. This inalienably makes these bits of history be slanted towards the white man’s see. As we come the course of events there in the end are an ever increasing number of taught slaves and white men; who recount to the accounts of the slaves as had been advised to them by the slave. Notwithstanding, we despite everything can't dispose of the way that most of the data needed to originate from the white men of the time. Other than this model, there are ... Free Essays on Documetation Problem In History Free Essays on Documetation Problem In History Documentation of any occasion (regardless of how critical) is an exceptionally troublesome undertaking. It is human instinct to have some inclination and objectivity when taking a gander at any circumstance. So as to precisely report an occasion we should have the option to control these emotions. This, as I would see it, is an incomprehensible undertaking. Regardless of how diligently we attempt, I do trust some objectivity will sneak through into our documentations. On account of subjection in the United States in the timeframe before the Civil War I accept this issue was amplified by the very idea of the occasion being reported. This paper will concentrate on why I accept the documentation of subjugation in the U.S. is extremely slanted. Servitude has existed since the get-go. It is regular practice to utilize all methods conceivable to shield slaves from consolidating and revolting. One technique utilized is refusal of training. On account of the African slaves brought to America these individuals were extremely uneducated. The dominant part couldn't peruse nor compose. American slave drivers utilized this to further their potential benefit. Considerably after numerous ages of slaves had passed slave drivers despite everything had the option to keep by far most of them unskilled by denying them any training whatsoever. What this made was an extremely uneven record of the happenings of that timeframe. At the point when we read history, particularly the early history of subjection in the United States, what we are for the most part getting are accounts dependent on slave owners’ and taught white men’s’ documentation of the occasions. There is next to no contribution by the slaves themselves. This naturally makes these bits of history be slanted towards the white man’s see. As we come the timetable there inevitably are an ever increasing number of instructed slaves and white men; who recount to the tales of the slaves as had been advised to them by the slave. Nonetheless, we despite everything can't dispose of the way that most of the data needed to originate from the white men of the time. Other than this model, there are ...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Did the New Deal Prolong the Great Depression?

Did the New Deal Prolong the Great Depression? Truly: Burton W. Folsom, Jr. * The Cabinet head had individual associations with the President. Made him inclination towards FDR’s thoughts * Unemployment was higher in 1939 than in 1931 after hoover left office * Govt went from running an excess to a deficiency * Seven Years of exchange shortfalls reviled American GDP over the range of the New Deal * Welfare and Social Security kept apathetic individuals languid and made dedicated individuals take pay cuts * The economy is automatic and self recuperating; it would have fixed itself in time(not 12 years however) * IT was â€Å"Constraints School† The US economy was in a crash for the initial 6 years of FDR’s administration, yet he kept the Ether up and guaranteed progress * Roosevelt Raised charges over the board†¦ Sounds recognizable to what is happening now†¦ damn Obama * If the war didn't come to fruition, FDR would not have endured the 4 terms. NO: Roge r Biles * FDR thought Taking a technique and attempting it until it worked or didn’t. It did, at that point continue doing it; on the off chance that it didn’t concede that annihilation and have a go at something different. He utilized the Federal Gov’t to â€Å"help† manage the economy(kind of like hereditarily building which likewise doesn’t work 100% of the time) * Unemployment diminished over the initial 5 years of FDR’s administration * The FDIC safeguarded everyone’s cash that is in the bank which is something that the US required in 1929 * FDR made trust in everybody with Social Security, Welfare and Section 8 lodging * He made the US postal assistance, provincial jolt act, and country mail act * Roosevelt changed the type of Gov’t in a short 12 years * He made â€Å"Wealth Tax† (sounds natural AGAIN! which â€Å"affected Very few taxpayers† * He at that point Repealed the â€Å"Wealth Tax† in light of the fact that it didn’t work FDR’s new arrangement was a good thought in theory(so is Marxism), however wasn’t the best thought for the time. What he did is somewhat what we are experiencing today: Promising change however not saying while, Increasing assessments and trusting it will support your shortfall, and attempted to mediate with the automatic economy. The New Deal DID work, yet simply because WWII took the requirement for creation back to America; without that, the New Deal would have taked a whole lot longer to work.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Documenting Clinical Findings - Free Essay Example

Describe the specific ways of documenting clinical findings from a female breast examination. Include the ten characteristics and explain each one using the guidelines from the Normal Range of Findings in Jarvis (2016), p. 400. Why is this documentation important? During female breast examination, the following findings must be documented: patients concerns which includes health history questions regarding family history, age, actual and perceived risk, and reproductive history. Findings on amount of pain if any, presence of lump, nipple discharge, and rashes around the breast, any swelling, dimpling, nipple changes, and venous pattern. Third, a plan of action should be documented indicating the following steps for the normal or abnormal results. In case of abnormal results, any referrals that have been made should be included in the document. Patient education plan, which includes stressing the importance of adherence in, follow up, emphasis on rescreening, and breast self-exam must then be documented. The final step is to document results notification with details of the tests and procedures undertaken. Electronic documentation is most appropriate for clinical findings from a female breast examination since storing information electronically makes it easily accessible especially if needed urgently. The document should clearly indicate the person who documented the data. It should be legible meaning that it should be readable and with identified signatures. The information should be contemporaneous meaning that it should be documented in a timely manner and any delays should be justified. The document should be original or the investigator should have original source document. The information should be accurate, and be factual. The document should demonstrate the necessary attributes consistently. The information should be credible by being based on reliable and real facts. The document should be easily accessible, available and retrievable for review if need be. Moreover, the document should be complete. It is important to document clinical findings such information is useful in determining treatment in case of any abnormalities. Moreover, good documentation on clinical findings is useful in referrals in case of later abnormalities on female breasts. What are abnormal clinical findings on a male breast exam? On a male breast exam, the following abnormal clinical findings may be identified: Breast lump or mass which is painless , enlarged lymph nodes especially under arms or around the collar bone , enlarged liver, rare nipple discharge or bleeding , irritation of the nipple, or ulcerated nipple. What breast self-examination (BSE) education would you provide utilizing evidence-based practice guidelines? Based on information from the National Cancer Institute and from American Cancer Society, a monthly breast self-exam is recommended for breast cancer’s early detection. Women should look for changes in their breasts and if there is any, they should consult doctors. However, it is also very important for women to seek other screening practices such as mammograms in early detection of breast cancer for effective treatment. Explain the importance of teaching testicular self-examination (TSE) as health promotion during assessment. Include the ages of the males TSE should be taught. Cancer of testes is relatively uncommon. However, it is a potentially fatal condition. Early diagnosis improve prognosis of its victims. Testicular self-examination is useful in early detection of a tumor that is associated with testicular cancer. It is therefore important to educate people on how to perform testicular self-examination during assessment in order to promote health especially for potential victims. Early detection of tumor in testes is associated with higher rates of treatment success that late detection. Moreover, testicular is the commonest malignancy in young men, and therefore, it is necessary to educate men aged 20 to 35 years on techniques for self- examination with an aim of early detection for effective treatment. According to American Nurses Association on standards of practice, it is the duty of nurses to teach people about health with a purpose of health promotion. Enlightening men on testicular self-examination will help in early detection of testicular cancer linked to effective treatment promoting health in the society. Although Sam and David have been able to make huge steps towards surviving with testicular cancer, many people have died from the diseases yet the death could have been avoided with earlier detection. It is thus important to educate males of testicular self-examination for early detection to increase the chances of survival as in the case of the two survivors.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Write an Argumentative Essay 4 Easy Steps

So, you need to start writing an argumentative essay, but you have no idea of what should go first. Smart planning and specific approach will 100% make the process of working with the argumentative essay topics easier and even enjoyable in some way. Make sure to pick your topic carefully.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Make it arguable (your topic should be debatable – who would oppose you why?)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Select relevant and contemporary topic (make your paper linked to the ideas and beliefs of the present. Approach the most current issues and events to find inspiration – does your essay topic matter for someone else at the moment?)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The argumentative essay topic should be valuable to you. Moreover, it has to be not just hooking for the readers, but also include solid knowledge that you would like to pursue for not just a grade but for a personal benefit as well. Write on the topic you really care about for you will give the best result only when having your personal investment. Narrow down your essay topic. A lot of popular topics, such as euthanasia and smoking, are broad enough, which means you need to concentrate on a specific issue related to more general topic. Thus, you will make it manageable for a specific research. Start Writing an Argumentative Essay with a Complex Research Everybody make use of Google for it is easy and always there for you. Nonetheless, a bunch of material online is pretty risky and inaccurate. Thus, you need to make sure all information you copy from the Internet is actually taken from trustworthy professional web sites. Do not put aside an opportunity to visit your local library. Even in the Internet-addicted world books are still the most solid source of educational information. Work on the Argumentative Essay Topics Express Your Judgement Remember, your college or university argumentative essay instructor is not actually interested in what side you are going to take when writing the essay. She is more curious about in what way you will defend your side, how you’ll analyse the evidence and plan up the most reasonable response. Stop thinking that someone is right or wrong, generating the best quality arguments is not a completion! Instead, you must concentrate on the essay â€Å"argument line† – how you research and develop your project by complying with your readers’ interests, needs and demands, integrating rock-solid and reliable evidence, and showing a thorough understanding on the given topic. How to Write an Argumentative Essay? Make It More Complex! There’s a list of certain patterns or â€Å"moves† that can be used by the essay author in order to improve his argument and to show critical thinking on the topic assigned to him. Mind the ones provided below:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Qualification, which means to limit your personal position to particular situations or contexts, a so-called â€Å"of course, but† perspective. The thing is that qualifying will show that you understand the issue complexity and have an original perspective on it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Investigation of the argument of the opposing side: you must know your enemy! Examining all the other perspectives on the argumentative essay topic has 2 basic â€Å"pluses†: you show that you 100% know what it all is about; you know how to make your position more solid by comparing it to the others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Provide a solution; a reasonable solution to the issue discussed within the essay that will build a solid conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Investigate the implications: in what way this issue can influence the whole world or some individuals? Talking about what is there waiting your topic ahead makes a well-built, logical and solid approach to a conclusion.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Differences And Similarities Of Directional Strategies...

On this paper, I am going to discuss the differences and similarities of directional strategies between Vanderbilt university medical center in Nashville, TN and Methodist Healthcare system in San Antonio, TX. Later, I will explain which hospital in these two I preferred based on the organization mission, vision, and value statements. In summary, I talk about my experience with directional strategies with my current employer. Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC)is not for profit hospital. It is a comprehensive academic medical center dedicated to patient care, research, and the education of health care professionals. VUMC health system facilities include four hospitals on the University’s campus with more than 50,000 discharges and†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, its vision is for Methodist Healthcare to be a world-class health care provider, continually raising the standards of performance excellence and advancing the health status of the community. In doing so, it acknowledges it values of Compassionate Service, Ownership/Pride, Privacy, Safety, Accountability, Teamwork, Attitude, Appearance, Communication, and Fun (Methodist Healthcare System Of San Antonia, TX, n.d.) Both Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Methodist Healthcare System visions are focus on healthcare services and community. VUMC vision is to innovate a healthcare services model that is systems-based and customized to everyone. For Methodist Healthcare System, is to be world -class health care provider, continually raising the standards of the health status of the community. VUMC mission is to shape the future of health and healthcare, on the other hand, Methodist healthcare system is to serving humanity to honor God. Vanderbilt University Medical Center is focus on healthcare in general, while Methodist Healthcare System focus more on humanity based on spiritual believe. Both values are based on patient satisfactions and its organizations which are very important to all healthcare organizations. Vanderbilt University Medical Center is providing a balance approach its targets, evaluations, andShow MoreRelatedManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words   |  96 0 PagesSystems CASE STUDY I-1 IMT Custom Machine Company, Inc.: Selection of an Information Technology Platform CASE STUDY I-2, Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier CASE STUDY I-3 The VoIP Adoption at Butler University CASE STUDY I-4 Supporting Mobile Health Clinics: The Children’s Health Fund of New York City CASE STUDY I-5 Data Governance at InsuraCorp CASE STUDY I-6 H.H. Gregg’s Appliances, Inc.: Deciding on a New Information Technology Platform

Communication in Business

Question: Discuss about theCommunication in Business. Answer: Introduction It is has been observed that the field of responsible practice is one of the most significant as well as the challenging subjects that marketers in the corporate field face today. Furthermore, it has been identified that corporate social responsibility refers to the addressing in a balanced way the economic, environmental and the social influence of business operation, whereas forming the shareholder value. The current assignment prepares the corporate social responsibility audit of the organization BHP Hilton. The business organization are established to gain profit by selling the products that help to identify the market demand in the corporate areas. The approach of BHP Billiton to engage the external auditor for the performance of audit as well as the other services assure that BHPs financial audit is approved by the specific level of BHP Billiton management (BHP Billiton 2016). The operational approach of the organization are reported by to BHP Billiton Risk and Audit committee. It is necessary for the organization to carry out the financial audit as it helps to identify the current financial stability of the organization, financial performance and the risky areas. The major purpose of the organization is to create long-term shareholder value through the process of acquisition, development as well as the marketing of natural resources. The part of corporate government to high standard governance is usually expressed through the approach adopted by the organization to engage the shareholders as well as make communication with them. The CSR of the organization include the shareholder engagement, extended responsibility of the organization. The organization BHP Billiton is known as the leading global resources organization with the purpose of forming long-term shareholders value through the enhancement and marketing of natural resources. The major aim of this report is to conduct a corporate social responsibility for the organization BHP Billiton. Scope of Engagement It is evident that the organization BHP Billiton is one of the leading global organization. Currently, the organization holds the top position of producing the commodities. The commodities generally include iron ore, metallurgical coal, copper and uranium. Hence, four different segments of BHPs operation have been discussed in the following. Success factors: The organization gains the success when the people in BHP start the operation in daily basis with a particular sense of purpose and complete the operation with the sense of accomplishment. In addition, the communities involved with the operation of the organization, clients as well as the suppliers tend to value their relationship with the company. The operational disciplines as well as the financial strength enables its future growth. Further, the due to the large amount of profit, the shareholders of the organization receive an excellent return on the investment they make while holding the share of the organization. External factors including the dynamic trends: It has been identified that economic outlook of the company is in the dynamic state. In this context, Gilman et al. (2013) added that the economy in the global environment increases at a moderate rate with a mild progress especially in the economically developed countries balancing a moderation in emerging market. It has been investigated that in developing counties like China, decrease in the property sector as well as the fixed asset spending leads to poor economic growth. However, in 2014, the scenario was little profitable than the current year (Hickenbottom et al.,2013). Climate change: It is identified that the physical influence of the climate change as well as multiple regulations that tend to address climate change could affect the operation of the organization. In addition, it could also influence the productivity as well the market in which the organization sells its products and services. In this context, Yusuf et al. (2013) added that physical effects could include the changes in the rainfall patterns, scarcity in the water and rise in the levels of the sea. Corporate planning: The organization BHP has long standing as well as the corporate planning process that helps to underpin the enhancement as well as the delivery of companys strategy. The corporate planning process of BHP include involve review of the strategy against the dynamic external environment, the threats and opportunities of the current operation. Core principles: The corporate cycle planning of the company, includes certain corporate principles such as board and GMC ownership as well as the regular view of the strategies and strategic priorities (Lin-Hi Mller (2013). The corporate principles may also include the regular engagement between the GMC, business, marketing and group functions. Strategic priorities: BHP Billiton focuses on running the operation effectively emphasizing on the areas such as protecting its people and develop the health and safety of the operation. As mentioned by Raufflet, Cruz and Bres (2014), the health and safety of the individuals who are involved in the operation of the organization is central to the success of the organization. The developed organizational culture of BHP contributes to create a safety and healthy work environment where its people could work with no hazards. Contributing to the sustainable development of its host communities: The organization puts an enormous effort to be a significant partner in the communities in which it runs the operation. Through its vast interactions, the company tends to foster significant long-term relationship that include the local culture and generate lasting profits. BHP Billiton gains the popularity due to its wider contribution to the society. Critically Analysing the Current Understanding of CSR As opined by Geibler (2013), certain programs involved the corporate social responsibility that could largely reflect on the business. The organization could contribute to the social development if the purpose of the organization is aligned with the social purpose. Each organization needs to keep a close view on the corporate social responsibility. As mentioned by Maconachie and Hilson (2013), by performing the CSR responsibility effectively, the organizations could increase the business value. Leather, Bahadori., Nwaoha and Wood (2013) opined that it is becoming difficult to differentiate the efforts of one organization from others. On the contrary, added Noronha, Tou, Cynthia Guan (2013) the corporate leaders tend to develop the propriety approaches to implement the changes that can be effectively measured. As put forward by Morali Searcy (2013), 3M Canadas Healthy Communities program was developed to spark a systematic change in the correlated areas of health and environment and education with the contribution of effective government as well as academic leaders. While analysing the CSR o BHP Billiton, it is found that the organization is vastly committed to make positive contribution to the environment. In addition to form a responsible as well as ethical business, the company contributes widely to the communities, regions as well as the countries in which, the organization performs its operation. In this context, Seuring and Gold (2013) opined that as the mining industry develops gradually and more discoveries are made, the organizations in the current era are determined to form corporate social responsibility in the communities where they perform the operation. Most of the large organizations in oil and gas industry tend to focus on the influence of external environment along with the high quality of management within the organization. These organizations involve both processes as well as the people. As the CSR standards in oil and gas industry have been increased in Australia, the organizations in this industry pay attention not only to b uild an effective relationship locally, they are determined to strengthen the relationship in the global environment as well. The Australian government expects that organizations in the mining industry must comply with the mandatory laws as well as the obligations while operating the business in the global environment. Some of the large organizations in this industry have started running the supportive programs. On the contrary, the overseas government are brought to Australia to perform in the short courses to develop their capacity to deal with the resources sustainability as well as the equitability. In such context, the organization BHP Billiton is seen to be running varieties of mining as well as the processing operations in more than 25 countries with the employees around 41000 (BHP Billiton, 2016). There have been certain issues or the challenges that organization BHP Billiton may have to deal with while performing the CSR responsibilities. For example, CSR performance of the supplier could significantly influence the operational as well as the financial success of its clients. The company has to deal with the pressure in implementing the practices that help to maintain transparency, avoid corruption, protect human rights and enhance the environmental sustainability. In such context, the organization BHP Billiton needs to set clear expectation, build assure mechanism and calculate the cost implications of dealing with its supply chain. Maintaining the balance of competition for water resources: As mentioned by Darkwah (2013), the changes in the climate and the increasing growth in the population have created pressure on global supply chain especially in some developing countries. On the contrary, it has also been investigated that the limited supply and increased demand by water-intensive industries such as gas and oil industry, increase the concern of the competition for water resources. In addition, it is assumed that the competition may rise in the upcoming years. Thus, to deal with the competition, BHP Billiton may have to invest in innovative solution for sustainable water management. The challenge of labour relations and regaining worker trust: It has been identified that a series of violent confrontation in Australia and some other developing countries have brought the workers issues to the forefront of the large organizations in oil and gas industry. The organizations are facing the issues with the labour unions as well as the local partners. In this context, Ite, Ibok, Ite, and Petters (2013) commented that the organizations in oil and gas industry have raised the issues of better pay and effective work conditions. In Australia, the organizations are in the rush of developing as well as reviewing their labour management practice. Examining BHPs CSR Commitment According to the current annual report, the organization BHP Billiton has wide contribution to the communities, regions and the countries in which the organization has been operating. Therefore, it is determined to strengthen the society. The organization is committed to achieve this by engaging itself in significant issues and supporting the target developed areas to provide benefits to the society. With the increased contribution to the society, the organization is striving to create sustainable future. Identifying the CSR Claims Embedded in BHPs Vision and the Strategic Documents Companys approach to community investment: The organization is expecting its community investments to be effective and they try to deliver the best possible outcome for the communities. The organizations supports the projects that are driven by the requirements as well as resources of its communities. The investments made by the organizations are made locally and globally. Economic development: The organization aims to create economic as well as the social benefits for the communities in which it runs the operation. In addition, a local organization provides people the ability to take part in social development and benefit from the opportunities in the areas. Education in training: There is a firm belief that education is one of the most effective ways of empowering society and the organization BHP Billiton promotes the life-long learning. The organization tends to support early childhood education as well as the parenting program. In order to boost the business, the organization BHP Mitsubishi Alliance focuses on extending the economic opportunities from its operation to provide effective business opportunities to the local firms (Harms, Hansen and Schaltegger (2013). In addition, with this help of this initiative, the local organizations could earn profits from the investment made in developing the business. Moreover, this further helps the organizations to become more competitive in the market. It also helps to build a strengthened regional economy. Assuring Whether or not the Claims are Measurable or not The above-mentioned CSR activities performed by BHP helps to identify that the organization could achieve the economic growth through the contribution to the society and the communities in which the organization run the operations. The organization makes large investments in developing the culture, education and health of the community. In addition, the organization plays the crucial role in providing the human assistance at the time of crisis or deficiency. BHP initiative takes the initiative of offering the emergency relief efforts to meeting the basic requirements of people in the community. By implementing the initiatives, the organization could achieve its target of strengthening the social relationship along with CSR performance (Strand 2013). However, the organization makes a huge investment in performing the corporate social responsibility. Thus, it may affect the wide the operations of the organizations. Can BHP Demonstrate the Positive Impact of its CSR Policy? It is observed that the approach followed by the organization BHP Billiton environmental management is based on the robust identification as well as the control of material risks phases of its business. In addition, the company focuses on decreasing the rate of greenhouse gas emission as well as the consumption of rate energy consumption. The company aims to provide the lasting benefit to the environment as well as the communities by developing the natural resource management and developing the biodiversity. Therefore, it can be added that initiatives taken by the corporate social responsibility have positive impact on their CSR policy. Clearly Identifying Discrepancies Between Communicated Intention as well as the Corporate Practice While performing the CR following the standards set by the oil and gas industry, BHP Billiton focuses on the approaches to community investment, economic development and education and training and disaster relief. As mentioned by Murray (2013), the sustainability of its operations rely on its ability to gain specific quality and quantity of water and to consume responsibly. On the contrary, it has also been identified that the social, cultural, environmental, economic values of water could lead to the greater examination of responsible water consumption as well as the expectation from the stakeholder of the organizations. Providing Recommendation As the organization, BHP Billiton has the wide contribution in society or community development and environmental safety. Therefore, the organization needs to pay attention to environmental policies. It is evident that due to the persistent oil and gas operation, environmental resources are lacking, which could negative influence the natural balance. Thus, it is necessary for the organization to adopt new technology in the operation. It may help to reduce environmental pollution. In addition, developed technology could help to reduce waste of resources. Furthermore, BHP Billiton could focus on implementing environmental policies and promote awareness of protecting natural resources. Conclusion On the completion of the report, it can be mentioned that BHP Billiton have effectively performed corporate responsibility to increase organizational value. On the contrary, BHB Billitons responses to many environmental concerns raised in its alternative annual report. In addition, the organization and its partners made the commitment of ensuring a better deal for the communities that face the relocation since the mine expanded. In addition to all these, the organization states that they are concerned regarding the climate change and believe that it could negatively affect their operations as well as the markets. However, the organization continues to expand both their oil operation as well as oil mining. It is assumed that organizations planned open cast coal mining projects of Bornco conversation area may cause huge destruction to dynamic natural system. References: BHP Billiton | A leading global resources company. (2016). Retrieved 13 August 2016, from Darkwah, A. (2013). Keeping hope alive: an analysis of training opportunities for Ghanaian youth in the emerging oil and gas industry. International Development Planning Review, 35(2), 119-134. References Gilman, J. B., Lerner, B. M., Kuster, W. C., De Gouw, J. A. (2013). Source signature of volatile organic compounds from oil and natural gas operations in northeastern Colorado. Environmental science technology, 47(3), 1297-1305. Harms, D., Hansen, E. 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